Three of Drawger's finest held a standing-room-only audience in rapt attention as they presented their work, their wisdom and a smidgen of joviality last evening as a part of NYIT's Design Watch Series. Along with illustrator/educator/fine artist Lynn Foster, our own beloved Zina Saunders, Nancy Stahl and Chris Spollen guided delighted attendees through their individual journeys in the exhilarating, though frequently frustrating transition from old to new media.
Among the themes of the evening, in addtion to empowerment and struggle, was a discussion regarding the blurring of the line between "fine" and "applied" art and the emphatic agreement among the panel that drawing is more essential today than ever in light of the awesome capabilities of digital tools.
Judging from the enthusiastic titter at the reception following, sponsored jointly by NYIT and the New York chapter of Siggraph, many departed from the event sans stockings.