Much of my inspiration comes from imagery and style that technology has rendered obsolete. I treasure anachronistic artifacts of packaging and design which have somehow evaded obliteration by focus groups, and manage to still be a part of our visual landscape.
Before I was old enough to go into a supermarket alone, I was already a keen admirer and critical observer of products which found their way into our home. When my mother was finished at the checkout counter and wondered what had happened to her curious child, I would be lost among the aisles, intoxicated by the shapes and colors of post-war packaging; in particular, with products that had mercifully escape being redesigned and still had the feeling of a kinder, gentler time.
I was particularly taken with the packaging for A&P coffee brands Eight O'Clock, Red Circle and Bokar whose eccentric yet elegant typography harkened back to an earlier, less complicated era. The font Bokar is my nod of appreciation to those robust and full-bodied blends spared from the bland, tasteless scourge of corporate branding.