While drawing in white pen on scraps of black paper, being inspired by the sparkling Jazz of the Eri Yamamoto Trio, mysterious scribbles appeared that would eventually become my latest font, and a promise kept, after only 29 years.
A tale that adds a new twist to the term "Font Family."
A guy who has two daughters and a very popular typeface named for one of them has his work cut out of him. My daughter's eponymous typeface, ITC Anna, has happily transversed the globe for many years and though I tried numerous times, I could not come up with a font I felt worthy of my equally beloved other child.
That all changed on a chilly winter evening when I first glimpsed the letterforms i felt could express my free-spirited Molly. Thus began a mind-numbing process of inner doubts, procrastination and starts and stops that led to an email from Monotype Foundry Support with subject heading "Hooray! Your family Molly Louie was approved!"