During the past few months, I've illustrated a weekly piece for the NY Times Real Estate section. It's a Q and A about the trials of apartment living, with reponses from real estate and legal professionals.
I love nothing more than getting a manscript, panicking, and forging through to beat the deadline. Add the challenge of an awkwardly narrow horizontal space, and you get an idea of why I love my job so much.
A gracious tip-of-the-hat to the most wonderful Carol Dietz for keeping me on my toes.
Oh yeah, and I've been doing my sketches on the iPad Pro in ProCreate. So, check out these sketch videos for blocked window and home office.

Is a co-op required to report break-Ins to shareholders?

An apartment with a mold problem and a "special paint" to resolve it nowhere to be found.

Is it necessary to disclose tentative plans for a home office during a co-op interview?

A mysterious noise seems to be coming from the new building next door. What to do about it?

The building next door is so brightly lit, it’s as if the sun is shining into my bedroom at midnight. Is that legal?

Is the co-op liable if children get hurt playing in common areas?

If a new building next door blocks our kitchen window, is the co-op responsible for a cosmetic fix?

If the president of a condo board is dating the building’s superintendent, should residents be concerned?

What to do if the seller backs out.

Getting rid of miserable roommates.

For some first-time buyers, renting might actually be cheaper, both in the short- and long-term.