So, a week after I return from a visit home for a family get together, the email rings with a job from none other than Hour Detroit Magazine and I see my chance to pay official homage to the town where I was born with a cover that will have horns honking all up and down Woodward Avenue.
AD Cassidy Zobl sends me a few samples of my work she likes plus great reference from which I will be happy to steal. While I can't show the procrastination part of the process, it consists, generally, of keeping myself continually occupied with anything that does not have to do with the job up until the point at which the deadline looms menacingly.
The process from (false) beginning to (merciful) end.

The fact that there were 6 different subheads and a substantial amount of cover copy had me create lots of little subhead "units" that I hoped I could assemble in some coherent fashion afterwards.

The maneuvering necessary to accommodate so much text took a heavy toll on the legibility of my normally borderline roughs.

But a rousing shout of confidence from the AD gave me the strength and conviction to pull those marginal scribble together into something that was beginning to work.

I arrived at the final color version using more restraint than I typically have at my disposal