I have had the great good fortune to work for more than a few art directors who have the strength to put up with my shennanagins, keep hiring me back and challenging me to do my best work. I maintain that an artist cannot go beyond the trust and confidence shown by his client and real faith can get you to do stuff that you didn't even realize you were capable of. Such is the relationship I have with Gregg Runberg of Pensions & Investments who routinely faces his editors armed only with the flimsy scribblings I try and pass off as sketches.
This year's "Money Managers" issue is my fourth for Gregg who helps me to discover resources I didn't know I had. This, coupled with the fact that I'm naturally trying to best the cover I did last year and things can get interesting. (Stay tuned for next time when I really test my luck on the 13th consecutive annual cover I do for the amazing and infinitely lovable Mary Zisk at Strategic Management). But, for now Our annual look at who manages Institutional assest begins right here: