Just found this brief email exchange from Last July while I was teaching in the Hartford Art School's MFA Illustration Program. I thought they were lost because I sent them while out of town or I would have shared them sooner:
Jul 21 2009
Hi Daniel,
I'm contacting you because I'm on the planning committee for the 2010 HOW Design Conference (which will be in Denver next June). I though you would make an interesting speaker and I'd like to recommend you to the rest of the committee. Is this something you'd be interested in? What kinds of things do you typically speak about? Or what would you love to speak about to a bunch of designers?
Megan Lane Patrick
Senior Editor, HOW magazine and books
Jul 22 2009
Hi Megan,
I'm flattered by your proposition. I believe a group of designers might be most interested if I gave a presentation about fonts and font design, however, I feel equally comfortable talking about, typographic design, illustration or getting along with two teenage daughters.
Please give my regards to the rest of the committee and let me know what happens.
Jul 22 2009
Hmm, I'm wondering if you could do something about typographic illustration? From your website, it seems like you're qualified to cover a variety of topics. It would be great if you could help me narrow it down so I can make a good argument for why you rock to the planning committee : )
(Our audience is less interested in designing type than in designing well with type.)
Another idea might about how designers can develop better illustration skills.
What do you think?
Jul 23 2009
Typographic illustration is what I love best. I'll put together a presentation that will have your attendees in tears.
BTW, that joke about giving designers better illustration skills had me laughing till my stomach hurt.
...still awaiting reply